Hello everyone
I'm mythili, an aspiring final year medical student presenting an osce report after garnering the patient informed consent

Let's start off by learning the brief history about the patient

A35 year old female came with cheif complaints of

-Diminision of vision of right eye since morning 3am

-Headache since 2 days

Delving more into the history

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 days back then started developing diffuse headache which was sudden in onset,gradually progressive associated with neckpain 

No H/O nausea and vomiting,photophobia,phonophobia

Then since morning 3am had sudden painless loss of vision

No H/O ocular trauma or head trauma
No H/O giddiness,LOC,weakness of both UL and LL
No H/O fever,cough,cold,chestpain,palpitations,orthopnea,PND

What was her last final diagnosis? 

The final diagnosis  is CRVO
Complete retinal venous occlusion 

CRVO? How was the diagnosis made? 
Upon opthological examination
Dot blot hemorrhage
Macular edema
Which are characteristics of crvo


Did she receive any specific treatment? 

Anti vegf medication


What was her hourly routine before the problem and what is her current hourly routine?

 Which specific hourly slots have been disrupted due to her current disability? 
Mostly driving has been affected

Has she applied for disability support?



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